Thursday, December 23, 2010

Spiraling Inward

It is my practice to take time over the holidays to spiral inward to reflect on the blessings and lessons that have unfolded in the prior year.  And, to set my intention for that which I intend to cultivate in my life in the come year.  Self-reflection is the gateway to self-awareness. 

May you be blessed with presence this holiday season and appreciate the joy in each moment as it unfolds.

Peace to you! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


When I learned about self-awareness it was presented to me with this understanding -

Self-awareness is like currency.  The more you have, the more you get.  Clearly that notion is well rooted in Western Philosophy and a better economy - LOL.

I have often wondered about an Eastern Philosophy perspective on self-awareness.  I have some understanding, but cannot express it in words on a page.  This may have to be my assignment over the holidays, because I would like to have conversation about this alternative perspective. 

Regardless, I do have direct experience in an expanding self-awareness.  The more I hold the intention to be aware in my relationship with another - the more self-aware I become.  My capacity continues to expand with an awareness of my actions, interactions and thoughts while in relationship. 

Being and becoming.

Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20/2010 - Today's Pondering

Being and becoming.  This is my mantra.   Being a person-centered thinker is a tall order.  It necessitates that I am aware of the intricate filters of my perceptual lens.  As I type I wonder; why did I choose the phrase “tall order” to add meaning to how I feel about this way of being.  Do I hold the assumption that person-centeredness is a formidable task?  Right now, I become aware of another thread of my knowing yet undiscovered – when did I first hear the phrase “a tall order”?  What meaning does it hold for me?  What meaning have others attached to the phrase ‘tall order’?  Why would I hold the assumption that being a person-centered thinker is a formidable task?   Do others think that being a person-centered thinker is a tall order?
Perhaps the formidable task at hand is to give myself the space to be exactly who I am today – and to hold the intention to continue to grow into the complete human being I am meant to become.  The more I extend with person-centeredness (being) the more I become person-centered in my relationships.   

Welcome to Core PCT - A Growth Promoting Conversation

This blog is a space where person-centered practitioners can converse about ways to express and make contributions through person-centered ways of being.  I invite you to share your ponderings and discoveries.  It is our opportunity to learn with and from one another. 
I also welcome the opportunity to discuss the creative ways that educators are cultivating PCT capacities within your organizations through human development initiatives.
 "May you live every day of your life".  Jonathan Swift